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Home » Newsdesk » Faith formation programs suspended ‘until further notice’
  • Faith formation programs suspended ‘until further notice’

    In a March 13, 2020 email to parishes, Michael M. Lavigne, Director of Office of Lifelong Faith Formation and Parish Support, called for the suspension of parish faith formation programs.

    “In light of the decision today to close Catholic schools for the next two weeks, the decision has been made to suspend all faith formation and related activities (e.g. adult faith formation, youth ministry, Scouting, etc.) until further notice,” Lavigne said.

    He added that his office is working compiling material for at-home prayer and studies.

    “Guidance regarding the celebration of Confirmations and First Communions will be addressed by the Archdiocese in the coming days. We will send updated information regarding this guidance once completed,” he added.


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