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Calendar of archdiocesan events

Remembrance Service, Dedham. Join us at St. Mary’s Church, 420 High Street, for a Mass at 8:00 a.m., after which there will be rosary and prayers for the unborn at St. Joseph Chapel, 25 Avery Street. All are welcome.

Retreat, Stoneham. Join us from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish, 71 Central Street, for a retreat on the Eucharist led by Father Sijo Jacob, CMI. The day will include adoration, two talks, Holy Mass, and deliverance prayer. Light refreshments will be provided. There is no charge for the retreat, but free-will donations will be accepted. For questions, contact the parish office at 781-438-0960 or stpatstone@aol.com.

Special Mass, Lexington. You are invited to join the Boston Chapter of the Laudato Si’ Movement and Bishop Mark O’Connell at Sacred Heart Parish, 16 Follen Road, at 1:00 p.m. The Mass will offer inspiring readings and prayers to support the 2024 Season of Creation theme: “To Hope and Act with Creation.” Learn more about our call as Catholics to care for all creation. Hospitality and a program will follow the Mass. For more information, visit BostonCatholicClimate@gmail.com.

Healing Service, Wakefield. The Lazarus Center for Healing Shrine, 47 Butler Avenue, will offer a Healing Service at 6:00 p.m. The service begins with adoration, confession, and the rosary. The celebration of Holy Mass will follow at 7:00 p.m., after which the Healing Team, consisting of four to five priests, will administer the Sacrament of the Sick and a personal healing prayer. For more information, future Healing Service dates, testimonies from those who had a healing, and any updates, visit our website, www.healingshrine.org.

Healing Service, Duxbury. A Healing Service, led by Deacon Jack Sullivan, will take place in the chapel at Holy Family Church, 601 Tremont Street, on the third Friday of every month. The event will begin with Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m., followed by Benediction before the Healing Service. In July 2009, Pope Benedict XVI announced that Deacon Jack’s sudden and remarkable healing from a crippling spinal injury -- after prayer for Cardinal John Henry Newman’s intercession -- was a miracle, which led to Cardinal Newman’s beatification in September 2010. Deacon Jack will bless attendees with a relic of St. John Henry Newman. For more information, contact Deacon Jack at 781-563-2107.

Rosary Playgroup, Stoughton. Moms and Tots Rosary Playgroup meets the third Friday of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at St. James Parish Hall, 560 Page Street. Learn to pray the rosary, enjoy coffee and doughnuts, and meet other local mothers. For more information, call 781-886-6073.

Healing Service, Boston. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish (Mission Church), 1545 Tremont Street, will host a Healing Service at 2:00 p.m., with Father Philip Dabney, CSSR, as the celebrant. For more information, email healingministry@bostonsbasilica.com or phone 617-516-0371.

Discernment Retreat, Enfield. Are you unsure of your direction in life? Is the discernment of your calling at a standstill? Join us at Little Sisters of the Poor, 1365 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT, for a Single Catholic Young Adult Women’s Discernment Retreat from Sept. 27 to Sept. 29. There is no registration fee. For questions, contact Sister Carolyn at sc@littlesistersofthepoor.org.