Cor Unum -- St. Patrick Parish, Lawrence
Sisters of Charity, Halifax, have served in St. Patrick Parish since 1906 when the first of the two school buildings opened. Thousands of children's lives have been shaped by the education they received at St. Patrick Grammar and High Schools.
No longer active in full-time education, Sister Ellen Donovan tutors youngsters at the Lawrence Catholic Academy during the year and serves at the parish Vacation Bible School in the summer. Sister Nancy Conlon works with several other volunteers, preparing meals to be served at the Cor Unum Meal Center at the parish.
Cor Unum is committed to the truth that no man, woman, or child should ever be hungry. This is its mission. Cor Unum serves hundreds of people every day, with a small core staff and a large army of generous volunteers. It opened the doors on Sept. 30, 2006, and in the first 10 years, has served over two million meals! At the current rate of meal service, approximately 250,000 meals are served annually at Cor Unum.
Because no entry questions are asked of anyone who comes to Cor Unum for a meal, and because guests, volunteers, and members of the local community eat and work together, the dining experience is much like a family celebration. (