A forum of Catholic Thought

The love of God in Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia

Recently, I spent a couple days on an annual getaway to a popular family theme park. Yes, there were long lines, hot weather, overpriced snacks, and crowded hotels. Yet, in the happy exhausting chaos, ...

The serendipity of Ordinary Time Lucia A. Silecchia

I miss landlines. Certainly, I like the convenience of being able to reach friends and family quickly and appreciate being able to receive phone calls away from home or office. Truly, I am grateful ...

The wisdom of Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia

If it is graduation season, then it is graduation speech season, too. High schools, colleges, and even elementary schools seek out high profile speakers to impart their wisdom to graduates -- or, at ...

Shepherds of Ordinary Times Lucia A. Silecchia

In these weeks when spring gives way to summer, many celebrate the Ordinations of new priests -- new shepherds who, in these difficult days, commit the rest of their lives to the sacred service of God ...

The wonder of Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia

By now, the eclipse glasses have been put away. The photos of the April 8 nature show have all been posted to Facebook and Instagram to prove that it really happened. The stories from the day have, likewise, ...