A forum of Catholic Thought

Weighing the benefits, costs of immigration restriction or expansionBishop Nicholas DiMarzio

As we enter a new presidential term, the social policy question before our nation will largely be the restriction or expansion of immigration. A recent article succinctly put it in these terms: "Immigration ...

Can you receive Communion twice in one day?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Can a Catholic receive holy Communion twice in one day? Also, is it possible to ask to receive Communion outside of Mass under normal circumstances, or is this something that is only possible for the ...

Freedom of worship for migrantsBishop Kevin C. Rhoades

In recent weeks, President Donald Trump has taken steps to make it easier for immigration officials to conduct enforcement actions in "protected areas" (often referred to as "sensitive locations"), including ...

Praying with saints and sinnersFather Robert M. O'Grady

When I first saw the title, I thought, "Huh? Praying with saints makes sense. With sinners, not so much." Then I caught myself. What about Augustine (who, of course, was both) or, for that matter, so ...

'E pluribus unum'Archbishop Richard G. Henning

Our society finds itself deeply divided on the question of immigration. Almost daily, the media stories and commentaries reveal an environment where it has become difficult to engage in honest debate ...

Making Faithful WitnessesMaureen Crowley Heil

Hanging above my office desk is a marvelous statement made by Pope Paul VI, in his encyclical Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World): "Modern men and women will listen more willingly ...

Into the deepScott Hahn

Simon Peter, the fisherman, is the first to be called personally by Jesus in Luke's Gospel. His calling resembles Isaiah's commissioning in the First Reading: confronted with the holiness of ...

Scripture Reflection for Feb. 9, 2025, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary TimeFather Joshua J. Whitfield

Is 6:1-2a, 3-8 Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 1 Cor 15:3-8, 11 Lk 5:1-11 What's remarkable, said St. John Henry Newman, about this story from Luke, is Peter's "instant obedience." Really, ...

Isolation in Ordinary TimesLucia A. Silecchia

Anyone who reads the daily newspaper finds within its pages a glimpse into the sorrow and despair that is -- and always has been -- a part of human life. It can be easy to grow a bit numb and detached ...

Is non-alcoholic church wine valid for consecration?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I'm a parish priest and recently, when I went to order hosts and sacramental wine for my parish, I noticed the company I usually shop from was offering something called "non-alcoholic church wine." ...