Why we give thanks for priestsCourtney O’Brien
Each September, the Clergy Trust invites parishes, donors, and anyone else who is interested to #GiveThanksForPriests. This annual campaign offers us the chance to reflect on the priesthood and the priests ...
Evaluating medical marijuana use during pregnancyFather Tadeusz Pacholczyk
In 2020, Amanda Aguilar was arrested after using marijuana while pregnant, and, after her son tested positive for marijuana at birth, was charged with child neglect. She fought the charge, arguing that ...
Scripture Reflection for Sept. 15, 2024, Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary TimeDeacon Greg Kandra
Is 50:5-9a Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35 I can still remember the priest who taught us Scripture during diaconate formation talking about the passage from the Gospel that we hear ...
Bishop Fenwick goes to see the WhigsMatthew Radulski
Boston experienced election fever 184 years ago when the Whig Convention came to town. The Bishop of Boston Benedict Joseph Fenwick was in attendance and wrote about the hubbub brought by thousands of ...
Catholic education: A force for goodEileen McLaughlin
On June 1, 2024, Eileen M. McLaughlin began her new role as superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Boston. In her inaugural monthly column for The Pilot, she discusses her hopes and ...
Celebrate the Season of Creation with us on Sept. 14Deacon Timothy Donohue and Patricia Dineen
I am co-chair of the Social Justice Ministry, serving with Patricia Dineen, who pioneered this ministry effort from its beginning in 2006. With this column, we hope to share information on the work of ...
Supreme Court previewRussell Shaw
When the Supreme Court opens for business again Oct. 7, it will have before it for argument and eventual decision in the term ahead at least three cases directly involving the protection of children and ...
Dealing with pandemic PTSDGreg Erlandson
I'd like a show of hands for how many of you tested positive for COVID this summer. Or felt like heck but didn't have any tests on-hand. Or self-diagnosed your distress as summer flu, even though this ...
How to raise your kids into faithful adultsDr. Greg Popcak
''I did all the things," said Carli, mom of four grown children who have stopped practicing the Catholic faith. "We went to Mass as a family. We sacrificed to send them to Catholic school. They ...
Digitizing the experiences of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the Vatican II eraKatie McNally and Ava Doogue
The Boston CSJ Archives is committed to bringing to life the voices of the past as we envision choices for the future. This has led to an exciting project titled "Throw Open the Windows! Digitizing the ...