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Follow Their Lead!

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Maureen Crowley

"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Mt 19:14)
For 180 years, the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) has taught children around the world that no one is too young, no prayer is too quiet, and no gift is too small to make a difference. Like the biblical loaves and fishes, your gift today will multiply to help untold numbers of children receive a good education, nutritious food, clean water, and most importantly, the knowledge that God loves them.
Generations of Catholic children in the Archdiocese of Boston have prayed and sacrificed to bring Jesus to their brothers and sisters in the missions through the Missionary Childhood Association. They've prayed a daily Hail Mary, given up snacks, done extra chores, run lemonade stands, and put their sacrifices into a common fund to help their peers.
It's time for the rest of us to Follow Their Lead!
Each year, donations from MCA members in 120 countries -- including those who receive help for their own children -- are tallied together in our General Solidarity Fund. Each mission territory receives a subsidy to help support the basic needs of their children. Local bishops can then apply for funds to cover extraordinary projects -- the expansion of an orphanage, installation of a well at a school with no clean water or sanitation, or sacramental preparation materials, to name just a few.
High in the mountains of the Diocese of Galle, Sri Lanka, a small outstation of Saint Joseph Parish serves families, who for generations, have picked tea. It is back breaking work, done by every member of the family, including the little ones. For a few hours each day, children attend classes in a tiny, one room schoolhouse. Their teacher is a Catholic from a nearby village who, once a week, receives a stipend from MCA to teach the Catholic faith after school hours. Children sit on the ground around a tiny shrine, housing a small altar and a statue of the Blessed Mother.
During my visit a few years ago, I distributed World Mission Rosaries, handmade here in Boston, to the students. Their joy was palpable as they learned a new way to express their faith, thanks to MCA.
Join the children of Boston in making a difference in the world -- make a gift to the Missionary Childhood Association between November 18 and December 3 at this special page: https://bit.ly/46xUFpF. The first $10,000 raised will be matched by a generous donor!
Our Catholic students are on the move for the missions. Follow Their Lead! They'll take you closer to Jesus.
God love You!

- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.

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