A forum of Catholic Thought

The responsibilities of freedomMichael Reardon

''Those who expect to reap the blessings of Freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.'' So opens Thomas Paine's "American Crisis Number IV." "Crisis Number IV" ...

Congratulations to the class of 2024 Michael Reardon

''I teared up when I saw him walk in." These words are how a good friend described feeling as she watched her son walk into the room for his school's senior family lunch. It seemed like yesterday ...

The example of the Good ShepherdMichael Reardon

The Parable of the Good Shepherd is a wonderful visualization of God's love for us. Jesus tells us how a hired man, whose sheep are not his, "works for pay and no concern for the sheep" (John 10:13), ...

The challenge Good Friday presents Michael Reardon

Every six weeks or so, requests for emergency scholarship assistance are reviewed at the Catholic Schools Foundation. These requests are made on behalf of families facing extraordinary and sudden negative ...

The challenge to live the GospelMichael Reardon

Sitting in silence at St. Anthony Shrine on Arch Street after receiving my ashes, these words came to my mind, "Remember that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return" (Gen. 3:19). As a child, I ...

'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit' Michael Reardon

A few years ago, a friend of mine invited her new pastor to dinner to see how she could support him in his work. He gladly accepted her invitation. They set a date and decided on a restaurant. When the ...

The deeper reality of the Christmas storyMichael Reardon

Celebrating the birth of Christ is full of joyful imagery: singing angels, trumpets, and a radiant child. Yet, the truth is that Mary and Joseph were rejected and relegated to a barn, where Mary faced ...

A moment to give thanks Michael Reardon

Facts are stubborn things. The board president of the Catholic Schools Foundation reminds me of this quite frequently as he challenges me to look past noise, politics, and opinion as we seek best to fulfill ...