
Archbishop announces 2025 Catholic Appeal

byPilot Staff

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At the request of Archbishop Richard G. Henning, parishes across the archdiocese will announce the 2025 Catholic Appeal during all Masses on the weekend of March 15-16. Commitment Weekend, during which thousands of Catholics from across the region are asked to provide their philanthropic support, takes place the following weekend, March 22-23. Each gift to the appeal provides essential funding to the many ministries, schools, and parishes that grow vibrant communities of faith and fulfill Christ's mission to help the most isolated and vulnerable.
When speaking of the Catholic Appeal, Archbishop Henning has said, "As Christians, we are summoned to be people of solidarity and compassion, of healing and hope, and above all, a people who exercise the love of Jesus Christ in our lives and as a community. The Catholic Appeal helps us fulfill our mission by feeding and nourishing the many ministries of our archdiocese."
The Catholic Appeal fortifies parishes, serves thousands of lives through essential ministries, and sustains vocation programs where the next generation of Catholics is formed.
Gavan P. Mooney, chief philanthropy officer for the Archdiocese of Boston, said, "The Catholic Appeal marks a collective opportunity where we as Catholics demonstrate our care and compassion for one another. This year, we hope to raise the level of participation across our parishes and communities so that we can expand the reach of assistance."
The chairs of the 2025 Catholic Appeal are John and Julie Corcoran, parishioners of St. Paul in Hamilton.
"The mission of the church and the faithful is to bring all people into communion with God, and to work toward a civilization of love and a world of justice. My wife Julie and I share and support this vision. As parishioners of St. Paul's, as parents of four daughters, and as proud members of our archdiocese, we have seen firsthand the fruits of the Catholic Appeal and the impact it has on thousands of lives."
The Catholic Appeal funds nearly 50 percent of the Archdiocese of Boston's budget. The remainder is funded by other philanthropic sources and fees for various services, programs, and resources.
The Catholic Appeal makes an immediate impact on the 50+ ministries that support our parishes, schools, and communities.
Ways you can give:
If attending Mass, you can use the in-pew envelope to make a gift or pledge. The in-pew envelope will be available beginning Commitment Weekend, March 22-23.
To make an online donation or to learn more about the benefits of giving by direct debit, donor-advised funds, stock, or IRA contributions, visit the Appeal's secure website at bostoncatholicappeal.org.
The Catholic Appeal is managed by Boston Catholic Development Services, an archdiocesan ministry with a mission of seeking philanthropic support for the mission of the church.
For more information, please visit bostoncatholicappeal.org.