A forum of Catholic Thought

The 75th anniversary of St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, Chestnut Hill

July 31 will mark the 75th anniversary of the dedication of St. Ignatius of Loyola Church in Chestnut Hill, which serves Boston College and the surrounding community. The parish itself had been erected ...

Did you know?Father Robert M. O'Grady

Continuing from last week on updates and suggestions: First, the third text that is currently in the translation process. Roman Martyrology When the first Latin edition of this book was released in ...

The most important prayer you already knowLaura Kelly Fanucci

Want to hear a secret? You likely know a prayer that can reorient you to everything in your life. And it goes like this: "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy ...

What is truth?Michael Reardon

The role of Catholic schools transcends mere academic instruction. It stands as a beacon of hope and a pillar of support for countless low-income families across our communities. As we reflect on the ...

Bread left overScott Hahn

Today's liturgy brings together several strands of Old Testament expectation to reveal Jesus as Israel's promised Messiah and King, the Lord who comes to feed His people. Notice the parallels ...

Sowing the Seeds of FaithMaureen Crowley Heil

The Propagation of the Faith is blessed to support the multitude of "farmers" around the world -- men and women called by God to plant the seeds of our faith. They are missionaries, tending a sacramental ...

Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional? Our pastor moved our confessional from a room with screen and kneeler to a family room that does not have a screen or kneeler. ...

Loneliness in Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia

Four years ago, Pope Francis inaugurated the "World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly." He proposed that this day would be observed each year on the Sunday closest to the July 26 celebration of Christ's ...

What the universal call to holiness entailsDr. R. Jared Staudt

Why aren't we holy? God, in fact, wills that we become holy: "For this is the will of God, your sanctification" (1 Thes 4:3). So why aren't we? The problem surely does not lie with him. And that ...