The ways in which God has called me to serve the Church since my time as a MAM student has been truly astounding.
Almost 20 years ago, while teaching theology and working as a campus minister in a local Catholic high school, I felt the nudge to apply to St. John's Seminary to complete my master's degree. As a cradle Catholic who spent my entire life in Catholic schools, I had always embraced my Catholic faith and had a good understanding of the basics. I remember being excited to learn more, yet I was nervous because it had been quite some time since I had sat on the other side of the desk! I began by taking one class while working full-time and coaching a varsity sport. I did well in the class, but it was clear to me that the timing wasn't right, and I had too much on my plate. I took a long hiatus from the Master of Arts in Ministry Program, but some years later, when God called again, the timing was perfect.
While still working full-time in Catholic school and parish ministry, I re-applied to the program and, after two years, earned my Master of Arts in Ministry degree from St. John's Seminary. In addition to the wonderful professors and classmates I encountered -- some of whom have become life-long friends -- I particularly enjoyed the four pillars of the MAM program: academic formation, human formation, spiritual direction, and field experience. In fact, even today, some seven years after earning my degree, I still look forward to monthly spiritual direction. The ways in which God has called me to serve the Church since my time as a MAM student has been truly astounding. Never would I have imagined myself leaving the comfort of being a classroom teacher and campus minister prior to the MAM degree, but as a direct result of a field education placement in the Archdiocese of Boston Pro-Life Office, I was invited to join the office as a respect life educator. I graciously accepted this offer and I developed a chastity and Respect Life curriculum for middle school students and, subsequently, trained teachers on its implementation. While feeling a bit overwhelmed with the task at hand, through prayer and discernment, I was able to draw from the knowledge and the confidence that was instilled in me while in the MAM program: to trust in God's plan and trust that if he called me to it, then he would lead me through it.
I am living proof that following God's call is always a tremendous adventure: from a contented early childhood educator to a blessed high school theology teacher and campus minister and to a passionate chastity and respect life educator! Yet God had even more in store for me. This past year, I was invited to a new role in the Catholic Schools Office as the associate superintendent of Catholic Identity and Respect Life Educator. This position, in a way, combines all of my previous positions. I thank God for these tremendous opportunities to grow in faith, to serve his Church, and to invite others to know, love and serve him. I truly could not ask for a better "job!"
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