
Oct. 25 2024

'Finishing Life Faithfully'

bySpecial to The Pilot

OSV News photo/Manon Cruz, Reuters

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"I encourage wide distribution of 'Finishing Life Faithfully' within the Archdiocese of Miami... It is a helpful companion to 'Five Wishes.' The Church provides a deep tradition of honoring the time of preparation for going home to God. It is essential to convey the truth and beauty of these teachings, so they become an aid to people as they approach this life's final moments."

Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdiocese of Miami

Following the Catholic teachings on end-of-life care

As Catholics, our faith calls us to live and love in accordance with God's plan -- that life is a gift from God from conception to natural death. We must consider how we live our life but also in how we approach our death. God is present in times of illness and dying and has given us the tools of prayer and the sacraments to prepare for death. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the opportunity for confession, and receiving Holy Communion as nourishment are all key components as we near the final journey toward eternal life.

It's important to understand how to approach end-of-life care while maintaining your rights of dignity, respect, and the sanctity of life. However, in moments of medical crisis, it can be difficult to understand the Church's teachings about life-sustaining treatments, pain management, and palliative care. In today's world, medical advancements and healthcare decisions can feel overwhelming, so it is imperative to reflect on how our faith guides us to prepare for the kingdom of God.

Advance care planning: An act of love

While discussing death can be uncomfortable, planning for it is one of the most loving and responsible actions we can take for ourselves and our families. When we leave our healthcare wishes unspoken, we risk confusion and emotional hardship for those we leave behind.

By completing an advance directive, we communicate our desires clearly, relieving our loved ones of the burden of making difficult decisions without guidance during a time of heightened distress.

The "Five Wishes" advance directive was created by Jim Towey, a trusted friend, advisor, and legal counsel to Mother Teresa of Calcutta during the last 12 years of her life. Her reverence for life in all its stages is the inspiration for "Five Wishes." Its new supplement, "Finishing Life Faithfully," guides Catholics to make choices that honor God, themselves, and their loved ones -- while helping individuals and their families navigate medical, emotional, and spiritual considerations, making sure that every decision is aligned with Catholic values.

How 'Finishing Life Faithfully' can help you

If you are contemplating your own future care or want to guide a loved one in doing so, "Finishing Life Faithfully" provides a framework that integrates both medical realities and spiritual needs. More than just a guide for healthcare choices, this brochure offers a spiritual roadmap for facing death with the confidence of a life well-lived in faith.

In a world where death is often feared or ignored, you can embrace this final stage of life as an opportunity to grow closer to God and prepare for the eternal life He promises. Take the step to plan today and give yourself and your loved ones the gift of peace, knowing that you are completing your life's journey faithfully.

For more information or to obtain your copy of "Finishing Life Faithfully," visit www.fivewishes.org/finishing-life-faithfully.