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Propagation of the Faith

Giving Mothers and Babies a Chance in the Missions

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Maureen Crowley

One of the great blessings of this ministry is the relationships made with others who share in mission work around the world. Whether that connection is made through email or in person, we truly feel we are members of One Family in Mission. We work together to help enliven a missionary spirit in the people we serve in our own dioceses and countries.

In a letter from Sister Rosa Margarita, she tells us of the most vital programs in the Diocese of Mongu, Zambia, helping HIV-positive mothers and their babies. Regular readers may remember Mongu as the diocese where the late, great Bishop Paul Duffy, OMI, of Norwood, Massachusetts, first served as a missionary priest, and then as the bishop for many years.

Thanks to support from the Propagation of the Faith, the Mother and Infant Care program in Mongu has met, and even exceeded, their goal of reducing the transmission of HIV from mother to baby through breast milk in the program participants. Their methods are simple -- educating HIV-positive mothers about the necessity of using baby formula instead of breastfeeding and providing easy ways to clean and store water to make formula in a sanitary manner. The mothers receive other nutritional supplements for themselves and their babies. They also further their own vocational training to provide a better future for their growing family.

Sister Rosa says, "To improve the lives of those who are directly affected by this illness, it is essential to support them in personal, social, spiritual, and intellectual ways, achieving a holistic approach to each one of the mothers and through them to their families."

To all donors, she writes, "This note also goes to you, full of gratitude, for your kindness in thinking of and helping our people in Mongu. As you know, the reality here is very hard and the help received counts a lot. God bless you."

Sister's continued success depends on all of us who reach out to the missions through The Propagation of the Faith. She counts on our General Fund -- where all our funds are joined with those from every diocese in the world -- to reach more mothers and babies with her lifesaving, faith-sharing witness.

One simple way to help Sister continue her important work for mothers in Zambia is to become a monthly donor to The Propagation of the Faith. Her work depends on regular, sustaining support.
Call us at 617-542-1776 or email dmanigat@propfaithboston.org to receive postage paid envelopes for your monthly pledge. You may also pledge on our website: propfaithboston.org.

Your regular gifts will give mothers and babies a chance at life in the missions.

- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.

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