Beauty comes to Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia
It happens every year. I am an overly avid collector of Christmas tree ornaments. All year, they stay stashed away on shelves in the closet, crammed in storage boxes in the garage, and tucked away ...
Giving in Ordinary Time Lucia A. Silecchia
It happens all year -- the requests for donations for all manner of charitable causes. Pleas come in the mail from children's hospitals, medical researchers, religious communities, and educational ...
The paradox of Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia
Every year, as Advent and Christmas approach, I seem to have the exact same conversation with one of my students. When I ask how the semester is wrapping up, invariably one of my students will tell me ...
Racing through Ordinary Time Lucia A. Silecchia
I spent last Sunday on the sidelines of a marathon cheering for thousands who accomplished something I respect -- but may never fully understand! The weather was stunning, the crowd was enthusiastic, ...
The future of Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia
My team did not make it to the World Series. They got close -- very close. Alas, the playoffs did not end well for them. I am not the most devoted fan since I usually do not follow the team's progress ...
Dressing up for Ordinary Time Lucia A. Silecchia
For better or worse, my childhood days were lived before the age of the digital camera. So, I have shelves full of photo albums that tell the stories of my life. As is likely the case for many, Halloween ...
The stress of Ordinary TimeLucia A. Silecchia
"Raising children is sacred work." We may expect to hear this in a homily, read it in an encyclical, or learn it from our own parents. Instead, this declaration can be found in the opening pages ...
The glory of Ordinary Time Lucia A. Silecchia
Last weekend, the morning glories took me by surprise -- as they always do. During the all-too-brief months of this past spring and summer, I bought some plants and tried my best to give them the attention ...