In the Missions, Sometimes Rank Does Not Have its Privilege

When we think about those who work in the hierarchy of any institution, the Church included, we can conjure up thoughts of those who live better than the rest of us. Indeed, we need look no further than the uproar Pope Francis caused by NOT moving into the Papal Apartments upon his election to office to understand that many people expect those in leadership positions to live well.

Recently, I came across a letter I received a few years ago from a priest in Zambia, showing that nothing in the missions is taken for granted, not even the perks of certain positions. At the time, Father Gabriel Msipu was the Finance and Administration Manager for the Zambian Episcopal Conference -- the equivalent to the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. Father Gabriel's problem unfortunately was not uncommon in the missions -- lack of access to water. What startled me was that it wasn't happening out in a rural village but at a residence for the priests who worked at the Bishops' Secretariat in the capital city of Lusaka. The men who shared this house were responsible for the running of the Catholic Pastoral Care, Education, Health, Communications, and Evangelization for the Church in their country.

Father Gabriel wrote:

"For some years now, the priests' house has experienced serious water problems. The (current) water supply is very erratic. In most cases, the house has no water at all. In this case, water must be fetched in buckets from somewhere and kept for domestic use. When there is water flowing, the pressure is very low. We therefore feel that there is a need for this house to have its own borehole, submersible pump and water tank."

The cost of this project -- $6,841.00 -- is simply out of their reach.

What can we do? First and foremost, we can pray. Let your own working faucet be a reminder to say a prayer with each use. Thank God for the blessing of clean water and remember those who have no access to it. Second, don't waste the precious gift! Turn it off while you brush your teeth or do the dishes; remember that many people cannot afford what we literally let run down the drain.

Finally, be generous to the World Mission Sunday collection -- October 20. It is the largest day for The Propagation of the Faith, filling the coffers for the coming year. The mission world depends on the generosity of US Catholics for 40 percent of their worldwide support. Let's not let them down!

To give online, go to

- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.