2013 Appeal raises $15.2 million, $1 million more than in 2012
BRAINTREE -- Catholics in the Archdiocese of Boston are giving more than they have in recent years. The Archdiocese announced the results of the Catholic Appeal, the annual effort supporting the Central Ministries of the archdiocese. In 2013, $15.2 million was pledged; $1 million more than in 2012.
Over 40,000 donors gave to the 2013 Catholic Appeal. Contributions include cash receipts and uncollected pledges.
Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley said, "The Catholic Appeal makes it possible for the Church to carry out the ministries entrusted to us by Christ. Throughout the archdiocese we are experiencing new enthusiasm for the many good works that are part of everyday life in our parishes. Because of the generosity of our donors and their commitment to the mission of the Church we are building up strong communities of faith."
"It's a sign of the spirit Catholics are feeling today," said Father Louis Palmieri, who guides the Appeal with nine pastors serving on a Pastor Advisory Committee. Father Palmieri is pastor of Holy Family Parish in Amesbury and Star of the Sea on Salisbury.
"People know of the good work being done in parishes, schools, and Catholic organizations. They want to be part of it. When they give to the Appeal, they help the Church within and beyond their parish boundaries. They are part of something very special," he said.
Through the Appeal, 144 parishes are receiving rebates totaling $1.6 million. Rebates are earned when parishes exceed their Appeal goals. Typically, these funds are used for special projects at the parish.
"Thanks to our Catholic Appeal rebate we were able to build a new confessional room at Holy Family Parish that will be ready for the start of Lent," Father Palmieri said.
Kathleen Driscoll, Secretary for Institutional Advancement for the archdiocese praised the work of all who made this year's Appeal successful.
"This milestone could not be achieved without the strong leadership of our pastors and lay leaders in our parishes, especially the Pastor Advisory Committee and the Lay Appeal Committee. Most important, because of the strong pastoral leadership of Cardinal Seán, we are in a great position to continue the growth of the Appeal and overall giving in the archdiocese. In turn, this will help to fund those ministries that are making a real difference in the lives of our Catholic faithful."
The theme of the 2013 Catholic Appeal, "There is a Good Samaritan in Each One of Us."
Michael Griffin, a volunteer and lay leader at Sacred Heart in Roslindale, said, "As Catholics, we are called to give as we are able, just as the Good Samaritan did. The unprecedented success of the Catholic Appeal is due to the fact that thousands of families and individuals are inspired every day to respond generously to this call. It is an exciting time to be Catholic and see the incredible impact that our support makes in parish life."
The Catholic Appeal is the primary philanthropic funding effort supporting the work of the Church in the Archdiocese of Boston. Through the Appeal, Catholics help sustain the vital ministries serving of the archdiocese's 288 parishes in 144 cities and towns, 119 Catholic elementary and secondary schools, and thousands of Catholics of all ages in many life circumstances. These ministries are made possible by the generosity of parishioners who want to ensure that they remain strong.
The archdiocese is encouraging Catholics to visit the Appeal's website at www.BostonCatholicAppeal.org to learn more about the programs and ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal.