Serra Boston offers 4th annual Adopt-A-Priest Apostolate
For a fourth straight year, the Serra Club of Boston will offer the faithful an opportunity to participate in its popular "Adopt-a-Priest Apostolate."
Initiated on Priesthood Sunday, Oct. 31, 2009, the goal of the apostolate is to have each bishop and diocesan priest covered in prayer daily on an ongoing basis by a "spiritual adopter." Sealed envelopes are prepared, each containing a folder with the name of a diocesan priest, his photo, date of ordination and the month and day of his birthday. The envelopes are distributed randomly and in the order in which a request is received.
Throughout the year, adopters are encouraged to support "their priest" by suggested activities such as eucharistic adoration, praying the rosary, offering Communions, fasting, remembering special days with a greeting card, or praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Families and prayer communities may also adopt a priest as a group.
Anyone undertaking a spiritual adoption should consider daily prayer and sacrifice on behalf of their assigned priest to be a serious commitment. In addition to the spiritual dimension, adopters are asked to contact their priest via an initial letter or card in order to let him know that he has been "adopted" and is being remembered in prayer on a daily basis by name. The two special dates of ordination and birthday are included so as to encourage the faithful to remember their priest with a card or special offering of prayer on those days. There is no cost associated with membership in the apostolate, but donations to help defray the cost of the apostolate are always gratefully accepted.
Father Daniel Hennessey, Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Boston and the founding Chaplain for Serra Boston, has described the apostolate as "an excellent way to spiritually support priests who serve in the Archdiocese of Boston... involvement in this apostolate will increase your own faith in Christ and His Church and be a source of grace for you to grow in love for priests."
The new adoption folders for 2012-2013 are now available. Those who wish to participate in the apostolate can register on the Serra Boston website at or call 978- 462-1057.
Serra Boston was chartered in 2008 with the blessing of Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley. Its mission is to encourage, support, and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The club meets at St. Mary's in Waltham on the third Saturday of every month, beginning with Mass at 8:30 a.m. New members are always welcome.