Obituary: Msgr. Cornelius M. McRae, seminary spiritual director, rector, and pastor

It probably is not often that we can define an individual, and especially a priest, with a single word, but in the case of Msgr. Cornelius M. McRae, it would not be out of bounds to use the word "formation."

The Brockton native died in Duxbury on Dec. 19, 2024, following a period of declining health, and more recently, a broken hip after a fall at Regina Cleri Residence, Boston. Born in the Boxer City on Aug. 25, 1935, he was the youngest of the three children of the late Francis and Helen (Sheehan) McRae. He attended the city's public schools and was a graduate in 1953 of its high school. He then entered archdiocesan seminaries at Cardinal O'Connell, Jamaica Plain, and St. John in Brighton.

Auxiliary Bishop Jeremiah F. Minihan ordained him to the priesthood at Holy Name Church, West Roxbury, on Feb. 2, 1961, and he celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at his home parish's St. Colman of Cloyne Church on Feb. 5, 1961.

He served in two archdiocesan parishes, Sacred Heart, Natick (1961-1962), and Our Lady of Mercy, Belmont (1962-1969), prior to his appointment to the faculty of St. John Seminary as a spiritual director in 1969. He was especially fond of his years at Belmont, where he was involved in the busy activities of parish life and was formed by the people and especially by the priests, with whom he served, including fellow Brockton native, Father Cornelius Heery. There was never confusion about the priests, as they customarily used last names with "Father" but Father Heery was "Neil"; while Father McRae was "Connie." He was also director of the Archdiocesan Cursillo Movement and a member of the Priests' Senate of the archdiocese.

His appointment to the seminary faculty would be his longest single assignment, lasting 17 years. During these years, he was a much sought-after spiritual advisor not only for seminarians, but also for priests and religious. He was also welcomed as a retreat director, especially for priests' groups around the nation. He was now more obviously involved in the formation of others, yet he insisted he was also being formed by them.

In 1986, Bernard Cardinal Law named him rector of Pope St. John XXIII Seminary in Weston. His previous years in the training of seminarians made this nine-year tenure an apt appointment.

In 1995, he was appointed a spiritual director at Rome's Pontifical North American College. During his five years there, he again served in the formation of soon-to-be ordained priests from around the United States. And some of his seminarians were eventually ordained bishops, something of which he was extremely proud. While resident in Rome, on April 21, 1998, Pope St. John Paul II named him a member of the papal household as a Prelate of Honor with the title Reverend Monsignor. This Roman seminary scene was repeated (2011-2014) when after his appointment as pastor of St. Catherine of Siena, Norwood, as its pastor (2000-2011) ended; he returned to the Eternal City, as spiritual director of the North American College's graduate division near the center of Rome at the Casa Santa Maria. Although now a senior priest, he was energetic and delighted to be back in Rome.

His almost 11 years at Norwood were happy years for him and for the parish. Always gregarious and positive about people and life in general, he conveyed that to his parishioners and the priests with whom he served.

On his return from his second assignment in Rome in 2014, he returned to St. John Seminary, where he served for four more years as a spiritual director.

When he finally retired, really, he lived at St. Jerome Rectory, Weymouth, from 2018 to 2021. That move helped him remain close to his connections in Marshfield with friends and classmates who met there regularly.

In 2021, he moved to Boston's Regina Cleri Residence, where he lived until the recent fall and subsequent surgery.

Archbishop Richard G. Henning was the principal celebrant of Msgr. McRae's funeral Mass at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Norwood, on Dec. 30, 2024. New Orleans' emeritus Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes, a long-time friend and fellow seminary spiritual director, was the homilist.

Boston's archbishop emeritus, Cardinal Seán O'Malley, Bishops Robert F. Hennessey, Peter Uglietto, Robert Reed, Mark O'Connell, Cristiano Borro Barbosa; Msgr. Kevin J. O'Leary, rector of Holy Cross Cathedral; Father Robert E. Casey, pastor of Gate of Heaven and of St. Brigid parishes, South Boston; Fathers Stephen Donohoe, Maxwell Chukwudiebere, Christopher Letizia, the pastor and parochial vicars respectively of St. Catherine Parish, were among the 50 concelebrants.

Msgr. McRae was buried with his parents in Calvary Cemetery, Brockton.