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  • What is your hope for the future of the Church? | Basil Donnebohm

    As part of our Together We Rebuild Campaign, we asked Catholics across the country to send in video testimonies answering 6 different questions. The question for March is: What is your hope for the future of the Church?

  • St. Colette of Corbie | Reformer Saint

    Saint Colette of Corbie was Franciscan tertiary and was well known for her holiness and spiritual wisdom. Her reform took place during the Western Schism when the Church was utterly divided. She responded to the need for a return to the heart of the Gospel, and her reform has had lasting effects on the Church.

  • Walk With Him | Homily: Bishop Robert Reed

    Bishop Robert Reed preaches about walking with Jesus this Lent and reminds us that through our fasting, prayer, and almsgiving we celebrate the victory of the Cross. March 6, 2019 | Ash Wednesday CatholicTV website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

  • CatholicTV Mass: 3/5/19 | Ash Wednesday

    Daily Catholic Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert Reed of Walpole, MA on Ash Wednesday. Readings: -Joel 2: 12-18 -2 Corinthians 5: 20—6: 2 -Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 Homily: Walk With Him The CatholicTV Mass airs weekdays on CatholicTV at 9:30am, 7pm, & 11:30pm ET, and Sundays at 7pm & 11:30pm ET. Watch live at

  • What is your hope for the future of the Church? | Dr. Ansel Augustine

    As part of our Together We Rebuild Campaign, we asked Catholics across the country to send in video testimonies answering 6 different questions. The question for March is: What is your hope for the future of the Church?

  • Pope Francis Celebrates Mass at St. Crispin | Newsbreak 3-5-19

    -Pope Francis visits to Roman parishes after taking a break due to travel and the Summit on Abuse -Pope celebrates Mass with the parishioners at St. Crispin -Archbishop Thomas Rodi of Mobile, Alabama is asking for prayers after an EF4 tornado with wind speeds estimated at 170 mph hit a section of southeastern Alabama -Pope Francis met March 4 with supervisors, staff members and assistants working at the Vatican Secret Archives during an audience to mark the 80th anniversary of Pope Pius XII's election March 2, 1939 -Pope Francis sent a video message which was played at the recent inauguration ceremony for the opening of a refurbished and expanded pediatric medical center in Bangui, Central African Republic

  • Are You Willing? | Homily: Father Jean Aubin

    Father Jean Aubin preaches about trusting in Jesus and the promises of the Lord as we give up everything to follow Him. March 5, 2019 | Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time CatholicTV website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

  • Catholic Mass : 3/5/19 | Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

    Catholic Mass celebrated by Father Jean Aubin of Saint Catherine's Parish in Norwood, MA on Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time. Readings: -Sirach 35:1-12 -Mark 10:28-31 The CatholicTV Mass airs weekdays on CatholicTV at 9:30am, 7pm, & 11:30pm ET, and Sundays at 7pm & 11:30pm ET. Watch live at CatholicTV website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

  • Black and Indian Missions | This is the Day

    Father Maurice Sands from the USCCB Black and Indian Missions Office talks about the work and importance of the mission. You can find out more and support the Black and Indian Missions: CatholicTV website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

  • Pope Francis' message to World Congress Against the Death Penalty | Catholic Newsbreak 3-1-19

    -Pope Francis sent a video message to participants at the World Congress Against the Death Penalty being held in Brussels -Supreme Court in a 5 to 3 ruling is sending a death-row case back to the lower courts to determine if the inmate's dementia should prevent him from being executed -Australian Cardinal George Pell the former prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy is behind bars in Australia after he was convicted of sexually abusing two 13-year-old choirboys in 1996 -Pope Francis met recently at the Vatican with people taking part in a meeting to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of a German Cardinal -During their General Conference in St. Louis, United Methodist Church (UMC) delegates voted to keep in place the ban on same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGTB clergy