Why is Mary's perpetual virginity so controversial for Protestants?
Q: Something that's always been kind of interesting to me is how much Protestants object to Mary's perpetual virginity. I get balking at her Immaculate Conception, her as mediatrix of all graces, asking ...
What is the significance of a Jubilee Year?
Q: What is the significance of a Jubilee Year? (Lakeland, Florida) A: The short answer is, a Jubilee Year is a special year of grace and reconciliation. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee ...
Could Jesus sin? If not, was he truly human and free?
Q: Could Jesus sin? If not, was he truly human and free? (Iowa) A: This is a rather complex question that gets into some deep Trinitarian theology. But I think we can still break this down into some ...
Can my son be baptized?
Q: I'm a new mother in the middle of a messy divorce. I admit that I have never been a very good Catholic, but I still want my baby baptized in the hope that he will have a better relationship with God ...
Does marriage transcend death?
Q: I have a question about the vocation of marriage. I'm very moved by the examples of widowed family and friends who continue to be very devoted to their deceased spouse, praying for them daily and visiting ...
Is Dec. 9 a holy day of obligation this year?
Q: Is Dec. 9 a day of obligation? Is this rule new? Is it just for America? (Rochester, New York) A: Normally, Dec. 9 is not a holy day of obligation, but it is this year in the United States due to ...
What's the scriptural basis for praying for the dead and venerating relics?
Q: What scriptural basis is there for praying for the dead, for their repose, or for praying to the dead, for their intercessions? And in a related way, what scriptural basis is there for the Catholic ...
What is an indulgence?
Q: Please explain what an indulgence is and how it can reduce or eliminate the time a soul must spend in purgatory. A: Indulgences are perhaps one of the more misunderstood parts of Catholic practice. ...