Will Catholics listen to one another?Hosffman Ospino
Listen to your Catholic sister and brother. Really; take the time. Listening requires little; it also requires a lot. Listen. It is hard to make a case for communion if we fail to listen to one another ...
Observing Hispanic Heritage Month as Catholics Hosffman Ospino
Every year, between Sept. 15 and Oct. 15, the United States observes Hispanic Heritage Month. The observance began as Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and, in 1988, was extended by law into a full-month ...
When most Hispanics were Catholic ...Hosffman Ospino
The trend is clear. As the Hispanic population grows quickly and steadily in the United States, fewer Hispanics self-identify with Roman Catholicism. There are nearly 63 million Hispanic people in our ...
Why we need Hispanic teachers in Catholic schools Hosffman Ospino
It's been a year since Boston College released the results of "Cultivating Talent: A Summary of Findings from the National Study Examining Pathways to Increase the Presence of Hispanic Teachers and ...
Love and support catechistsHosffman Ospino
Catechetical programs have resumed activities or will soon start in most Catholic parishes in the United States. Children, youth, young adults and adults prepare to return to sessions where they will ...
To rest is to be human Hosffman Ospino
"Workaholic," "productive," "unstoppable," "24/7," "busy bee," "overachiever," etc. These words and expressions, and others similar, have come to be omnipresent in our everyday vocabulary. We often feel ...
Disappearance of balanced Catholic media is loss for immigrant communitiesHosffman Ospino
The announcement early in May 2022 that Catholic News Service would cease operations in the United States at the end of the year took many by surprise. I was flabbergasted and saddened. I still am. For ...
The Virgin Mary is never alone Hosffman Ospino
I once heard Mexican-American theologian Father Gary Riebe-Estrella, a priest of the Society of the Divine Word, tell a story that has stayed with me for many years. Let me paraphrase. As part of his ...