A forum of Catholic Thought

Bread left overScott Hahn

Today's liturgy brings together several strands of Old Testament expectation to reveal Jesus as Israel's promised Messiah and King, the Lord who comes to feed His people. Notice the parallels ...

One flock Scott Hahn

As the Twelve return from their first missionary journey in today's Gospel, our readings continue to reflect on the authority and mission of the Church. Jeremiah says in the First Reading that ...

Arise!Scott Hahn

God, who formed us in His imperishable image, did not intend for us to die, we hear in today's First Reading. Death entered the world through the devil's envy and Adam and Eve's sin; as a ...

Tree of righteousness Scott Hahn

In the cryptic message of the prophet Ezekiel, long centuries before the Lord's coming, God gave His people reason to hope. Ezekiel glimpsed a day when the Lord God would place a tree on a mountain ...

The promised oneScott Hahn

In today's Gospel, Jesus has just been healing and casting out demons in Galilee. Along with the crowds, who flock to Him so that He can't even take a break to eat, come people who do not understand ...

Blood of the covenant Scott Hahn

All of today's readings are set in the context of the Passover. The First Reading recalls the old covenant celebrated at Sinai following the first Passover and the Exodus. In sprinkling the blood ...

A new windScott Hahn

The giving of the Spirit to the new people of God crowns the mighty acts of the Father in salvation history. The Jewish feast of Pentecost called all devout Jews to Jerusalem to celebrate their birth ...

The kingdom remains Scott Hahn

Today's First Reading begins by giving us a time frame -- the events take place during the days between Christ's Ascension and Pentecost. We're at the same point in our liturgical year. On ...

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