Father Jim Laughlin is doing just a wonderful job there; I saw a wonderful spirit in the parish. I was very happy to join this very beautiful celebration for the parish. Afterwards there was a reception, and I had an opportunity to greet many of the parishioners.

Appeal Mass

Sunday morning (12/4) I celebrated our annual Appeal Thank You Mass at the Pastoral Center. Singing for us at the Mass was the children's choir of the Immaculate Conception Church in Marlborough. They did just a fantastic job.

Following the Mass we had a luncheon, which included a dialogue and a question and answer period with the guests.

APC meeting

Tuesday evening (12/6), we had one of our regular meetings of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council.

We heard a presentation by the committee that has conducted the study looking at the implementation of our pastoral plan, Disciples in Mission. The committee is comprised of a number of laypeople and one priest who interviewed staffs in the parishes that have begun to implement the pastoral plan. They looked at parishes in the different phases, the successes and challenges of the pastoral plan, the process of writing local pastoral plans and their implementation.

It was a very fruitful evening with a very good dialogue. We are very grateful to the committee for their hard work over the last few years studying the implementation of Disciples in Mission.

Immaculate Conception with the Spanish community

Yesterday (12/8) was, of course, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. I was very happy to celebrate the Mass with the Spanish community at the Cathedral the Holy Cross. With us was Father Paul Dressler, the guardian of Capuchin College who is here visiting me. It was a beautiful celebration, and I was happy to be able to celebrate this wonderful feast day with them.