Letter on the cause of canonization of the Servant of God Joseph Muzquiz

Below is the text of the canonical announcement of the opening of the cause of beatification and santification of the Servant of God Joseph Muzquiz, priest.

August 2010

My dear friends in Christ,

In his petition dated November 28, 2009, Reverend David J. Cavanagh, the duly appointed Postulator in the cause of beatification and canonization of the Servant of God Joseph Muzquiz, priest, requested the opening of the cause of beatification and canonization of said Servant of God.

Having confirmed that the Servant of God has an authentic reputation for holiness and intercessory power, and having accepted the Libellus petitioning the opening of his cause by Decree of April 9, 2010, in conformity with Article 11b of the Normae Servandae and Article 43 of the Instruction Sanctorum Mater, we now make public the petition of the Postulator and invite all the faithful to present any information they may possess about said Servant of God. We encourage them to make known, within a period of forty days, to me or to The Most Reverend Emilio S. Allué, my Episcopal Delegate for this cause, any information that could be useful for this cause, including anything that may be contrary to this cause, and to present any writings or documents that they might possess regarding the Servant of God.

With continued prayer for this important work of the Church, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley

Archbishop of Boston