St. Peter School, Cambridge, gathers clothing donations for Harvard Square Churches Meal Program, Jan. 30. Pilot photo/courtesy St. Peter School
CAMBRIDGE -- Students of St. Peter School in Cambridge donated 150 articles of clothing to homeless people in the Harvard Square neighborhood on Jan. 30 as part of Catholic Schools Week.
The 195 students from pre-K to eighth grade donated socks, jackets, backpacks, and sweatpants, then packed them up for delivery to Christ Church in Cambridge. The ministry is part of the Harvard Square Churches Meal Program, a collaboration of churches in Harvard Square that provides food and clothing for homeless people in the area.
"There is clearly a great need in our community for people who can help others," St. Peter's Head of School Evan Kristiansen told The Pilot. "As Christians, we are called to help those in need. It's important for students to participate in community because service is part of our mission as Catholics."
St. Peter's has worked with the HSCMP for two years. Since then, the school has held a donation drive for the program every year during Catholic Schools Week. Kristiansen said that service to others is a part of what makes Catholic schools great, so he wanted the school to spotlight it during Catholic Schools Week.
"As Catholics, we are 'people for others,' as the Jesuits would say," he said. "Learning that part of our Catholic identity is part of a Catholic education."
Third grader Elise donated a package of t-shirts and helped her fellow students load the donations up for delivery.
"It's kind to the people who don't have clothes," she told The Pilot.