A forum of Catholic Thought

The most important prayer you already knowLaura Kelly Fanucci

Want to hear a secret? You likely know a prayer that can reorient you to everything in your life. And it goes like this: "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy ...

See you in the story Laura Kelly Fanucci

My son stands in the center of his bedroom, wailing to the heavens while his sleepy brothers tuck into bunk beds. Tonight, there has been no time for stories, since the family party ran late. But I hadn't ...

In praise of singingLaura Kelly Fanucci

The first thing I noticed about our parish was the music. Everyone sang. From the moment the opening hymn began, the sanctuary was filled with a robust chorus. I looked around and couldn't believe ...

When reentry is rocky Laura Kelly Fanucci

I recently returned from a beautiful pilgrimage to France, but unexpectedly brought home a stomach bug to my beloved family. Talk about a bumpy reentry to ordinary life: from Lourdes to laundry heaps ...

Faith at home is faith for othersLaura Kelly Fanucci

Did you know that one of the most famous lines attributed to St. Teresa of Kolkata was never spoken by her? "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." What Mother Teresa actually ...

The growing edge of liturgical living Laura Kelly Fanucci

Have you heard of "liturgical living"? The catchphrase has gained popularity in recent years among Catholics seeking to follow the rhythms of the Church year at home. Celebrating feast days with special ...

When it comes to giving, less is moreLaura Kelly Fanucci

Every year my sister and I make the same promise to each other. "One year, we're not going to do presents at all," we declare over the phone. "And it will be the best Christmas ever." Our kids are all ...

Move to meet people with love -- even around the family table Laura Kelly Fanucci

Religion and politics. The two subjects you're supposed to avoid in polite conversation. Except that the holiday season is when faith and family collide. Feasts like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's ...

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