A forum of Catholic Thought

Parents as teachers: A fresh appreciationKevin and Marilyn Ryan

National Teacher Appreciation Day, May 5, slipped by again this year with nary a nod. It was vastly overshadowed by National Nurses Day, which was celebrated with the American public's loud manifestations ...

Why we love our parish Kevin and Marilyn Ryan

Pope Francis declared a Detroit church as a basilica -- a rare honor for U.S. churches. Ste. Anne Parish began in 1700 and is the second oldest running Catholic parish in the country. Its current church ...

Today's college: Mission or business?Kevin and Marilyn Ryan

Many of us television watchers saw unsettling scenes in recent weeks. Between the human toll spreading by this ravenous coronavirus and economic destruction to jobs and savings, there were disturbing ...

Will we seize this prize and act? Kevin and Marilyn Ryan

Stop a teenager and ask how many of the Ten Commandments he can recall. Or ask her to explain what Holy Communion, the Eucharist, is. Or what is the reason our Church is against abortion? Be prepared ...

A culture -- if we can keep itKevin and Marilyn Ryan

America is spectacular. We have a beautiful and spacious country, rich with natural resources and a gifted people drawn from the four corners of the earth. At this moment, our economy is barreling along, ...

Are you feeling the noose tightening? Kevin and Marilyn Ryan

As the religious landscape in our once Christian nation has changed, so, too, has the civil and political climate. More and more Americans have become "nones" or simply are no longer interested in organized ...

Let's face it. The attacks are workingKevin and Marilyn Ryan

Religion is all over the news these days. Much of it makes for tough reading. For instance, the recent study by Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life reported on the exploding number ...

What is to be learned when going to college? Kevin and Marilyn Ryan

College, like history, is a most humbling and humanizing of events. Those who attend to both will never be the same. At best, we can leave ourselves behind and study someone or someplace else. As grand ...

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