
Sep. 27 2024

Cristo Rey Boston's Corporate Work Study Program and Catholic education

byRosemary J. Powers

CRB student Kalika pictured at work with Jamison O'Neill of O'Neill and Associates. Photo courtesy/EmVision Productions

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In an educational landscape where access to quality learning opportunities is often determined by economic status, Cristo Rey Boston's Corporate Work Study Program (CWS) offers a unique solution for students from under-resourced communities. Our innovative program provides students with Catholic college-preparatory education and opens doors to real-world corporate experience while significantly reducing the financial burden of tuition. The CWS program benefits students with the least economic means by equipping them with professional skills and empowering them with the tools to break the cycle of poverty.

The program's core is partnering with visionary Boston businesses who understand the value of actively contributing to building a diverse and equitable talent pipeline in our city while achieving their productivity goals.

Cristo Rey Boston's aspirational students often lack the networking opportunities and professional mentorship that many peers access through family connections or private internships. The CWS program directly addresses this disparity by placing students in entry-level positions at businesses, ranging from law firms and hospitals to financial institutions and tech companies. These placements allow students to develop communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and professionalism skills -- increasingly necessary in today's competitive job market. Students accumulate four years of work experience in prestigious environments by graduation, giving them a significant advantage in college and beyond.

Additionally, the CWS program fosters a strong work ethic that prepares students for academic and professional success. Students learn to manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and maintain discipline by balancing a rigorous academic schedule with corporate work. Dual responsibility instills a sense of accountability and resilience, critical attributes for success in higher education and the workforce. Students who may not have the luxury of extracurricular enrichment activities or academic support systems benefit immensely from the structured environment that CWS provides. The program helps students develop the mindset that hard work and dedication can lead to upward mobility, an invaluable lesson that transcends the classroom.

Perhaps most importantly, Cristo Rey Boston's CWS program addresses the financial barriers often preventing students from accessing quality Catholic education. Students' income through corporate work placement offsets a substantial portion of their tuition. The Cristo Rey model makes private, Catholic college-preparatory education affordable for families who might otherwise be unable to afford it. By easing the financial strain, the CWS program allows students to focus on academic and professional development without worrying about how they will afford their education.

The long-term impact of the CWS program on Cristo Rey Boston students is profound. Students gain access to a quality education and invaluable work experience and develop a network of local professional connections that can support them in the future. Many students establish relationships with mentors and colleagues who can provide guidance, write recommendations, and even help them secure internships or job opportunities in college and post-college graduation.

Cristo Rey Boston's principal, Dr. Tom Ryan, noted in his PhD dissertation that "All the participants (interviewed) gave credit and expressed gratitude for their Corporate Work Study (CWS) experience." "I feel as though I owe my success to CWS," said one participant. Another added, "CWS really prepared me." After delving into their gratitude, the credit comes in three forms. One form is learning from experiences during their Corporate Work Study. The second form deals with the people associated with their work-study. And the third is about the confidence gained from the CWS experience. All the participants spoke on how the Work-Study experience gave them "eyes on the prize" moments. The statement that summarized what all felt was captured by one participant who stated: "Our work-study experience gave us a concrete experience on why we should persist in college."

Many Cristo Rey Boston first-generation students come from households where English is not the primary language. These connections, combined with the skills and work ethic developed through the program, empower students to break the cycle of poverty and achieve upward social mobility. All participants had confidence because of their CWS experience. Dr. Ryan noted, "The work-study experience is of equal status to Cristo Rey's student experience. In contrast, there are many charter school networks with a similar mission to provide a college preparatory education to at-risk, under-resourced students, which sets Cristo Rey schools apart due to the work-study component."

In conclusion, Cristo Rey Boston's Corporate Work Study Program is an invaluable resource for students in Boston's most vulnerable communities. By providing professional skills, instilling a solid work ethic, and alleviating financial burdens, the CWS program enables students to access opportunities that would otherwise be beyond their reach. It prepares them for college and equips them with the tools to succeed professionally, ensuring they have the chance to create a brighter future for themselves and their families. The program's transformative impact is clear: it empowers students to achieve their full potential and break the barriers of economic disadvantage.

Rosemary J. Powers is the president of Cristo Rey Boston High School, a Catholic high school in Dorchester, MA, exclusively serving students from under-resourced communities. Cristo Rey Boston partners with visionary Boston businesses who understand the value of actively building a diverse and equitable talent pipeline in our city. These partners recognize their responsibility to give back to Boston's diverse communities, extending a hand to help our students rise. The success of the Corporate Work Study program depends on providing enough corporate placements for all enrolled students. To learn more about our innovative education model, please visit our website at www.cristoreyboston.org.