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In the section of the Congregation's Constitutions on service, we find the ministry of the Sisters of Charity described as a mandate: to bring the compassion of Christ to those whose lives we touch. There are so many ways to do this, but one thing is clear: when broken bodies, broken spirits, or broken hearts show up, a response is called for. In contemporary times, we understand that this cry of the poor is one with the cry of Earth.
Sister Mary Anne Foster recognized in herself a call to live these words of the Constitutions in a new way. She became interested in this work, and for her, it began with visiting folks in the hospital. The calling within the calling speaks to the person's core. Listening is required and then maybe courage to trust your inner knowing.
Sister Mary Anne participated in instruction related to Full Spectrum Energy five weekends a year. The foundational principle is that energy flows through us and sometimes blockages occur. This can be where pain begins. The goal is for the energy to flow and release pain. People who come to her classes are often middle-aged women who are involved in personal growth and development. The invitation is to come and discover your life's purpose to be your best self.
Many more people within the Congregation have been and are involved in alternative healing therapies.
Their calls are all different, but somehow, it is a willingness to be at the service of another and to affirm that we are not spirits who inhabit bodies but that we are very complex whole persons who are connected to Earth and each other. The connection to Universal Life Energy sounds very much like the connection to love -- and God is love. The words that inspire Sister Mary Anne, who also serves on the Congregational Leadership Team, are those of St. Teresa of Avila, "Christ has no hands but ours."