
Apr. 5 2024

Hundreds join cardinal for Triduum liturgies at cathedral

byPilot Staff

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Hundreds of worshippers gathered with Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross for the celebration of the Easter Triduum liturgies March 28-30.

The Triduum consists of Holy Thursday, when Christ washed the feet of his Apostles and instituted the Eucharist; Good Friday, the day of Jesus' crucifixion and death for the sins of the world; and Easter, which begins with the Easter Vigil on the night of Holy Saturday and in which the church celebrates Christ's Resurrection from the dead.

The Easter Vigil includes the blessing of the Easter fire, lighting of the Paschal Candle and an extended Liturgy of the Word, which includes readings from the Old Testament highlighting salvation history, the first chanting of the Alleluia since the beginning of Lent and the Easter Gospel.

Following the Liturgy of the Word, catechumens and candidates are fully received into the church through the reception of the sacraments of baptism, the Eucharist and confirmation.