
Oct. 14 2022

Women religious celebrate jubilees

byGregory L. Tracy Pilot Staff

Jubilarians pose with Bishop Mark O'Connell following the Mass and renewal of vows at Mass at Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Church in Waltham on Oct. 9. Pilot photo/Gregory L. Tracy

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The women religious in the Archdiocese of Boston celebrating significant anniversaries of religious life this year gathered for a Mass and reception at Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Church in Waltham on Oct. 9.

The principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass was North Region auxiliary Bishop Mark O'Connell.

"I thank you for your work, and thanks for your prayers, both of those are so needed and so appreciated," Bishop O'Connell told the sisters in his homily before leading them in a renewal of their vows.

"But what I want to thank you for is just saying yes to God -- being who you are," he continued, "You don't know the impact you have on the world. You don't know who is listening in; you don't know who is going to remember the tiny thing you said for the rest of their lives. You don't know who is going to feel secure and happy just to see you in a place. You don't know who will really listen when you speak to them with your heart and your soul. But thank you for your beautiful presence and living your vocations so well."

At the end of the Mass, a reflection was offered by 70th jubilarian Sister Anne D'Arcy.

She spoke of the many changes in religious life and in the world since many of the jubilarians first took their vows.

She also said there has also been loss, "letting go of structures, of places, of buildings, of people that we dearly loved."

But she said, "we embrace this moment, this new moment, with its challenges and its promises, with trust and faith and hope and love."

"For the same God who called us so many years ago, calls and invites us each day, as we continue to say yes to God's grace each day and to the mystery that the day may hold. With grateful hearts, we continue to say yes," Sister Anne concluded.

Following the Mass, the sisters gathered in the gymnasium of the parish school, Our Lady's Academy, for a meal with friends and loved ones present for the occasion.