
Apr. 15 2022

From Cardinal Seán's blog


Cardinal O'Malley attends a dinner for members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Brookline on April 3. Pilot photo/CardinalSeansBlog.org

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Last Friday, I attended a gathering of bishops in Miami hosted by the new national director for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Msgr. Kieran Harrington, to discuss how to better promote mission awareness in our country. A number of bishops were present in person, while others joined virtually.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and, on the weekend of April 2-3, we encouraged all our parishes to reflect on this theme during Mass. So, I was happy to be able to go to Hull to celebrate a Mass with St. Mary of the Assumption Parish on Sunday. Concelebrating with me was the pastor, Father Scott Euvrard, and the parochial vicar, Father Will Sexton.

It was an opportunity to pray for victims of child abuse and encourage all of our parishes to be vigilant in promoting all the best practices of safeguarding and creating a safe environment for our children and young people. I was accompanied by Kristen Gotter and Vivian Soper of our Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection, who were available to speak with parishioners and answer their questions.

Redemptoris Mater Seminary

On Sunday evening, I went to our Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Brookline for a dinner that they hosted for members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. It was an opportunity to thank the members of the Order for all their support of the archdiocese and the seminary.

Of course, as is their custom, the seminarians ended the evening singing a very nice selection of songs for all of us.

It was a lovely evening, and we look forward to seeing the members of the Order again soon when they join us, as they always do, for our celebration of the Veneration of the Cross at the cathedral on Good Friday.

Wake service

Monday, I went to Dorchester to lead a wake service for Kay White, the mother of Father Joe White. Father Joe's mother was 90 years old and lived a wonderful, faith-filled life. She was a proud mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and we were happy that many of her relatives were able to be there, along with Father Joe and many priests of the archdiocese.

Virtual Lenten Retreat series

Tuesday, I went to CatholicTV to record my contribution to our Virtual Lenten Retreat series that has been airing this week. In addition to my talk, which aired earlier this evening, the series has featured reflections by Father Brian O'Hanlon, Father Michael Rora, Sister Julie Benedicta Turner, and Sister Karla Goncalves.

I hope you've been able to join us for these talks throughout the week, but if not, I invite you to view them on my blog.

Pastoral Center gathering

On Wednesday, we had a gathering at the Pastoral Center to honor Tom Arena, who is celebrating his 30th anniversary as an employee of the archdiocese. We had a gathering of people from the IT Department, where Tom works, and I was able to speak with him and thank him for his many years of service. We are blessed to have a number of loyal employees who have given many years of their lives in the service of the archdiocese, and we are happy to count Tom among them.