
Mar. 18 2022

A Foundress' Vision: Help All the Missions of the World

byMaureen Crowley Heil

Photo courtesy/The Pontifical Mission Societies

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The year was 1822. The Catholic faith of secularized France was at a crossroads. An 18-year-old woman, Pauline Marie Jaricot, made a decision that would enliven the faith of France and change the Catholic world. She asked silk factory workers to gather weekly in 10-person "prayer circles." Their goal? To pray and sacrifice for the spread of the Gospel in mission lands -- including one of the largest of that time, the United States. Fast forward 200 years to May 22, 2022 and Pauline Marie Jaricot, the foundress of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, will be beatified!

With your help, Pauline's vision lives on as we support all missionaries, everywhere!

We continue Pauline's legacy by helping missionaries care for orphans, like the ones at the Marialaya Home in Chennai, India. Salesian Sisters rescue young girls who've been sold into of servitude by their families -- often for the price of a week's worth of food. The Sisters provide the girls with a safe place to live, an education, and knowledge of God and His great love for them. You make this ministry possible with your Lenten sacrifices.

Pauline's love of the sacraments was central to her ministry.

Missionaries bring the sacraments to God's children in remote parts of the world, like Zambia, where baptisms often happen en masse. It's not unusual to see more than forty people welcomed into the Church at the same time, thanks to the love and care of those who support the missions.

Because her parents modeled charity to anyone who sought it, Pauline learned that a family's love of God is central to passing on the faith.

In Mongolia, a missionary taught this lesson to a man named Gantulga. After years of living without Christ in his life, he joined his wife and children at Mass and entered the Church. Today, Gantulga is not only a better husband and father, but he has also become a community leader, reaching out to others in need. The family has become a beautiful, faith-filled example to others.

This Lent, we have no better model of Christian charity than Pauline Marie Jaricot.

Help us spread her "prayer circles" to the ends of the earth. It's simple -- pray, give, and ask others to join you! Donate a dollar a day this Lent: $40. Pray the World Mission Rosary. Spread the word about Pauline and her idea to help all the missions of the world.

Whatever your gift, all missionaries around the world are grateful. Be assured of their prayers and mine.

- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.