
Feb. 11 2022

From Cardinal Seán's blog


Cardinal O'Malley celebrates a Jubilee Mass with the senior priests at Regina Cleri, Boston. Pilot photo/CardinalSeansBlog.org

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I have been concerned for several months about the situation that has developed in Nicaragua in anticipation of their national elections. Many of the opposition leaders were summarily arrested and imprisoned. Among them was Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa, who lived in Washington and whose parents were very close friends of mine. His family owns Diario las Americas and have been leaders of the Hispanic community in United States as well as in Nicaragua.

So, I have been closely following that situation, and I was recently contacted by Consuelo Cruz, the sister of opposition leader Arturo Cruz, who was probably the main opposition leader leading up to the elections. Many of the families of these political prisoners have banded together and come out with a statement. (An excerpt in English of the statement can be found on my blog.)

Jennifer Wortham

Last Friday morning, I visited with Jennifer Wortham, whom I have known for several years and who is currently serving as a research associate for the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. Last November, on the final morning of the USCCB's Fall Meeting, Jennifer organized a walk with interfaith leaders and survivors of clergy abuse to promote awareness and foster collaboration among the faith community along the path to healing.

Jennifer is now working on plans for an expanded observance of survivors' journey of healing that will be held on Nov. 18 this year, the date of the European Day for Protection of Children Against Child Sexual Abuse. Jennifer also works closely with the Catholic University of America in planning and promoting these initiatives. I look forward to continued collaboration with her efforts.

Funeral of Tom Deeley

Monday, I went to Charlestown for the funeral of Tom Deeley, the brother of Bishop Robert Deeley and Father Kevin Deeley. The funeral was to have been held on Saturday but, like many other events that day, it was postponed because of the blizzard.

It was held at St. Mary's Church, where Tom was a daily communicant and active parishioner. Bishop Deeley was the principal celebrant, and Father Kevin was the homilist. Of course, many other members of the Deeley family were there, along with the pastor of St. Mary's, Father Jim Ronan, and a number of his fellow parishioners.

In addition to being a retired captain of the Belmont Fire Dept., Tom was also a veteran, so his burial was held on Wednesday at the National Cemetery in Bourne.

Zoom meeting with St. Agnes School

Wednesday morning, I was happy to visit with the First Communion class of St. Agnes School in Arlington via Zoom. Their pastor, Father Marc Bishop, was there along with their teachers.

I read them a First Communion Story, after which we had a time for questions and answers. And then we ended with a blessing.

It was a delightful visit, and it was wonderful to be able to spend some time talking with the children.

Jubilee Mass

Then, I went to Regina Cleri to celebrate a Jubilee Mass with our senior priests. For many years, Candlemas was the ordination day for the Archdiocese of Boston. So, many older priests celebrate the anniversary of their ordination on Feb. 2.

Four of the men were celebrating their 60th jubilee and another four were celebrating their 65th jubilee. All told, there were 22 priests who were celebrating the anniversary of their ordinations that day. It was a great joy to be there to celebrate with them.