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Catholic Schools Foundation

We work like we change lives, because we do

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Working at the Catholic Schools Foundation won't ever truly be fulfilling until we can guarantee a life-changing Catholic education to any student who desires it, regardless of the family's ability to pay.


''It must be so fulfilling doing the work you do." This is a line that many of us who work at the Catholic Schools Foundation (CSF) often hear because the impact of Catholic education is truly powerful. Although the work of Catholic education is fulfilling, there are days when it is exasperating as the need outpaces our ability to meet it, and the stress of raising the necessary resources feels overwhelming.
Some days, despite the life-changing work of Catholic schools, it can feel more like a stressful job than a fulfilling career. The work can feel as though it will never be complete, and we are shoveling sand against the tide -- but then faces and stories replace names on paper. Seeing the direct human impact of this work reduces the stress and replaces it with a sense of energy and fulfillment. The work at CSF should be stressful because it matters, but it also should spark joy because Catholic schools and the support of our donors change lives!
Last week was a short week. There was too much to do in a short period of time and the stress was building. The details and tactics of our work were causing us to lose sight of why we are in business. Then, a moment of clarity arrived in the form of an email from the parent of two CSF scholarship recipients who wrote, "You all have done so much, and we're forever grateful and indebted to you all personally, St. Col's and the CSF!"

These words were the moment of clarity needed. Yes, it is a challenge to raise almost $15 million this year to support students, and yes, it does keep everyone at CSF up at night. It keeps us up because it matters to these families. Almost 4,000 students are receiving scholarships this year, giving them the opportunity to have a better chance in life. These scholarships provide access to an education where they are known and loved and learn to believe that they can be successful. We must not let them down, and we feel that stress!
The email from this parent was sent to me, but it really should be directed to the supporters of the Catholic Schools Foundation who provide the resources to make scholarships possible, and to the teachers who meet students where they are each day, walk with them and lift them up to reach their potential. We at CSF are blessed to share in the work of the teachers and schools each day and provide an opportunity for economically disadvantaged families to receive the life-changing gift that is Catholic education.
Working at the Catholic Schools Foundation won't ever truly be fulfilling until we can guarantee a life-changing Catholic education to any student who desires it, regardless of the family's ability to pay. Until then, it will be a stress-inducing effort, and we wouldn't want it any other way. The work of Catholic education changes lives, and we need to work like lives depend on us because, as this parent reminded us in that email, they do.
Although teachers, donors, and the Catholic Schools Foundation play an important role in changing the lives of students and families, the real heroes are the parents, grandparents, and guardians who sacrifice to make a Catholic education possible. It is an honor to share in their journey and to share their stories; they are our inspiration at CSF, and we need more people to join us in support of this vital work. Please join us, and together, we can change lives.

- Michael B. Reardon is executive director of the Catholic Schools Foundation, www.CSFBoston.org.


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