"Today, vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ."
Pope Francis made this extraordinary statement, as well as offering us a way to remedy the situation: "World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands."
This year as we observe World Mission Sunday on October 24th, please join The Society for the Propagation of the Faith in celebrating this "privileged moment" -- first, by offering your prayers for the missionary Church, and second, by sacrificing for this great work to continue.
Your gift will support the growth of the Church in over 1,100 mission dioceses around the world, including the youngest Church on the planet: Mongolia.
The Mongolian Church came about just over 20 years ago. After decades of Communist rule, Catholic missionaries were allowed into Mongolia to proclaim the Good News. Then-Father Wencesclao (Wens) Padilla found a country struggling with addiction, domestic abuse, and extreme poverty. He said the people were searching "for God and for holiness."
Starting from zero -- no Catholics -- the Mongolian Church was formed with the great love and care of missionaries. Today, there are over 1,300 Catholics in Mongolia; Father Wens became Bishop Wens, welcoming 20 to 50 Catholics a year into the Church! He ordained his first native priest in 2016. With support of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Mongolian Church provides practical and spiritual support to those in need.
After Bishop Wens died in 2018, Consolata missionary Bishop Giorgio Marengo was appointed to continue the work, especially that of the Verbist Care Center for teens.
One of the teens, Oldoh, wants to be a teacher when he is older. Because his family was too poor to care for him, Oldoh, who was unable to walk, was left outside a hospital at the age of eight. Since coming to the Center, Oldoh has had operations on his feet and can not only walk but finds great joy in playing basketball!
"The Church is called to transmit the joy of the Lord to her children," Pope Francis tells us.
Your prayerful support enables us to do just that. In solidarity, we fulfill the Church's mission to bring that joy to people everywhere -- especially as the Holy Father urges, to "the poorest, the weakest, the least important..."
When you give to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday, you continue the legacy of Bishop Wens to build our Church, with joy.
- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.
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