SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 • ThE PiloT • 7Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Sr. Marie Cecilia Lefevre SGM75th Jubilee as a Grey NunQualities:Joy & Compassion, Prayer & Faith, and Fidelity “75 years of witnessing as a Grey Nun, a shining example of the values of our Foundress, Mother Marguerite d’Youville.”—Sr. Ella Christian SGM 8/15/2014Feast of The Assumption of MaryRemembered by:Mr. Francis J. Hickey II and Dr. Raymonda H. HickeyLexington, MA 02421Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ‘‘Never fear, for God is our Father and He will provide.’’St. Marguerite d'Youville SGM St. Marguerite was the first native-born Canadian to be elevated to sainthood. (John Paul II in 1990) She was the foundress of the Order of Sisters of Charity of Montreal — better known as the Grey Nuns. The focal point of her spiritual life was her unlimited confidence in the Providence of the Father. Today the Grey Nuns continue her legacy of unconditional love, compassion and service.Sr. Dolores SGM Sr. Doris SGMSr. Dorothy SGMSr. Eileen SGMSr. Ella SGMSr. Gladys SGMSr. Helen SGMSr. Irene SGMSr. Janet SGMSr. Jeanne SGMSr. Jeannette SGMSr. Joan SGMSr. June SGMSr. Louise SGMSr. Marion SGMSr. Mary SGMSr. Suzanne SGMSr. Theresa SGM We remember the Grey Nuns at Youville Place in Lexington, with Love, Gratitude and Prayers:Sisters of Divine Providence Gabriella Rogenski, Ana Leticia Plasencia Barrios, and Hilary Hooks attend a rally to protest gun violence.Photo courtesy/Sisters of Divine ProvidenceSister of Divine Providence Joan Wolf and a young student from Sacred Heart School in Kingston. Photo courtesy/Sisters of Divine ProvidenceSisters of Divine Providence Wendolyn López Santos and Pro-vincial Director Mary Francis Fletcher celebrate Sister Wen-dolyn’s perpetual vows on Aug. 3, in the Mother of Divine Providence Chapel in Allison Park, Penn.Photo courtesy/Sisters of Divine ProvidenceBy Sister Linda Hylla, CDPWe, the Congregation of Divine Providence, impelled by the Spirit of Jesus, commit ourselves to co-create a world of compassion, justice and peace. Guided by the legacy of Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler and Marie de la Roche, we nurture in ourselves and in others a trust and confidence in God’s faith-ful presence. We further commit ourselves to making God’s provi-dence more visible in our world.(CDP Mission Statement)Sisters of Divine Providence are women of varied and diverse backgrounds and talents, who share their gifts as educators, health care professionals, coun-selors, and social workers. Oth-ers work in campus ministry, pastoral care, and with social justice concerns, providing direct service to immigrants, the homeless, struggling fami-lies, and the most vulnerable in our society.As Sisters of Divine Provi-dence, we live together in com-munity and share our lives and our joys, while supporting each other in times of sorrow. Our community is apostolic, which we means we go where we are needed to carry out our mission of making God’s Providence more visible in our world.In a religious community of approximately 500 Sis-ters worldwide, the Sisters of Divine Providence know that we do not stand alone in risk-ing our love for God and oth-ers, but are united in our deep trust in a Provident God who loves and cares for all creation.We invite women over the age of 18 to join us in making God’s Providence more visible in our world.Is God calling you to learn more about becoming a Sister of Divine Providence?For more information, con-tact Sister Linda Hylla, CDP at or 618-660-9736, and visit our website at linDa iS a liCenSeD CliniCal SoCial Worker Who Currently Min-iSterS aS an early intervention SPe-CialiSt in Southern illinoiS, Working With DeveloPMentally DelayeD toD-DlerS.Is God calling you?Congratulates our women religiousfor their many contributions to parish, school,and religious education organizationsthroughout the Archdiocese of Boston.
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