
Our team at the Pontifical Mission Societies is a dedicated one. We will do ANYTHING to make sure that every Catholic we meet (and even non-Catholics!) learn more about the vital, life-saving work done by missionaries in over 1,150 territories spread across Asia, Africa, remote parts of Latin and South America, and those tiny islands countries that dot the Pacific Ocean. We'll talk at parishes, schools, to administrators, pastors, the elderly, and our Pastoral Center colleagues in groups of any size. Speaking for myself, give me just ONE person and they'll walk away from me knowing a little more about life in the missions and how missionaries benefit from our prayers and sacrifices.
It's always a pleasure to meet up with others who carry a deep devotion to the missions in their hearts. Part of our team, Daria Braithwaite and I, were lucky enough to do just that recently as we attended our National Conference of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States. Representatives from (arch)dioceses across the country came together to discuss successful strategies and innovative ideas that promote mission awareness. There was a hands-on workshop for making Archbishop Fulton Sheen's World Mission Rosaries -- and of course, we prayed with them, too!
Our liturgies were celebrated by our new National Director, Father Roger Landry, who officially takes up the mantle on January 1, 2025, as well as Cardinal Baltazar Porras, emeritus of Caracas, Venezuela. Father Landry gave a rousing speech as he introduced himself to us as our new leader. Archbishop Emilio Nappa spoke to us on behalf of our Vatican office, reminding us that, while we were once dependent on the Propagation of the Faith to build our own Catholic identity in the United States, we are now depended upon to be the largest donor to our General Fund.
A highlight for our team came in the form of an award, given by our national office, based on peer nominations. We received the Pope Pius XI Award for promotion of World Mission Sunday, our annual celebration of mission in every parish. Boston's office was singled out for our excellent print materials, including posters and liturgical materials, use of media -- social and old-fashioned print -- and the way we choose parishes each year to which we hand deliver it all. By doing so, we strive to help pastors and staff better understand the importance of the second to last Sunday of October and the donations that come from it.
Did you give to the missions on World Mission Sunday? If so, our colleagues think our hard work had something to do with it! Thanks!
- Maureen Crowley Heil is Director of Programs and Development for the Pontifical Mission Societies, Boston.
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