A forum of Catholic Thought

Can voting for a politician in a particular political party be sinful?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: After the last presidential election, while in confession, I asked the priest this question and his response astounded me. He said voting for a Democrat was a mortal sin, their political stance on ...

Does an obligation to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday include those traveling outside the diocese? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I live in a diocese where the feast of the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday. This year, I was traveling for work on Ascension Thursday, and in the diocese where my conference was, Ascension was ...

Can I go to a Methodist church since there are no Catholic churches nearby?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I recently moved to a rural area, and my current parish is now nearly an hour drive away. There are no Catholic churches in my new area. There is, however, a Methodist church right across the street ...

What role might artificial intelligence play in catechesis? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: Can an artificial intelligence program licitly receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders? And regardless, what role do you think AI might be able to play in catechesis, if any? (Bridgeport, CT) A: No, ...

What's going on with the Latin Mass?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: What's going on with the Latin Mass, and why do some priests like to celebrate it while others don't? (Ocean View, DE) A: It's good to keep in mind that priests are human beings who, like the rest ...

What is the church's position on the treatment of animals? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: What is the church's position on the treatment of animals? My vegetarian friend believes it is immoral to kill animals even for food. We recently hired an exterminator to eliminate rodents. This friend ...

Is there still responsibility for past sins after confession?Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: I have a confession question. I have heard that past sins, either venial or mortal, even after confessing them stay with you somewhat and only "really" get dismissed after your soul is scrubbed clean ...

Why does a paschal candle holder have bee artwork? Jenna Marie Cooper

Q: In my parish, we have an antique candle holder for the paschal candle. The design on the candle stand looks like it has some sort of insect, and so my six-year-old asked me why there were "bugs on ...